When I finally gave my heart to God fully, He had me work in a coffee shop at first. One day I asked God why He had led me to work in the coffee shop and He spoke to me that day saying, "I want you to learn how to do this for me (God) and I (God) will show you the ministry it will pour into."
Years later God gave us a coffee shop of our own where we were able to create our own organic signature blend. When we later sold the business because God told us to go into full time ministry we were able to keep the coffee blend for ministry at cost. Since then God has shown us that the ministry He wants us to use the proceeds for is foster care. Since moving to Alaska, we have learned that we are not only one of the highest in the nation with children in foster care, we are also in high demand to help these children get the things they need financially. We at Legacy Church want to be the bridge to raising the finances these children need through our coffee, and then using that money to purchase the needs each child has. To begin this journey, God has partnered us with an amazing ministry called Operation Ignite Light that wants to donate the first 100 bags for ages 0-3 years. In each of these bags a child will have everything they need for their first night away from home. But these 100 bags are just the beginning! Each time someone orders our coffee online, in person at Legacy Church on Sundays, or enjoys our coffee served each Sunday, ALL of the proceeds are going to buy more back packs and other items these children need. So each time you sip on MGK (Make God Known) Coffee, you can be rest assured you are investing in more than just yourself! Be a part of helping us build God's Legacy TODAY, and purchase MGK Coffee!
I heard a testimony a few weeks ago I just had to share for others to be encouraged to always listen to God's voice NO MATTER HOW CRAZY IT MAY SOUND!
The story is true, and has been passed down to us through Dr. Carol Alexander from Trinity Bible College when she came to speak to us at the Alaska Ministry Network Conference. There was a girl that one day heard God say to her to go into a laundry mat near by and do a hand stand in front of the vending machine. She was very confused by God's voice, and even questioned if it really was God she had heard. But as the day progressed she continued to feel God prompting her over and over again as God spoke to her the same thing over and over again. She explained that it became so burdening that she finally gave in to God's voice and said, "Okay God, I will do it, but I'm not doing it until right before the laundry mat closes and then I'm out of there". As the time approached, she got up the courage to go into the laundry mat and do the handstand in front of the vending machine like God had directed her to do. As she finished and quickly headed for the door, the manager asked her to stop and come back to his office. She agreed, and as they came into his office she saw a gun laying on his desk. He broke down in tears and explained to her that he had told God that morning that unless a girl came in and did the craziest thing he could think of (a hand stand) in front of the vending machine by the end of that day, he was going to take his own life. The girl was so filled with the Holy Spirit in that moment that she began to pray for the manager and led him into a relationship with Jesus as he asked Jesus into his life! This man had been saved because this girl trusted the directive she got from God that day and was obedient to do whatever God asked of her! It is an encouragement to us to remember God knows all, and we can trust Him, when He asks us to do something. Even when it doesn't make any sense at all! Be encouraged today that you are exactly where God wants you to be! I want to challenge you to trust the process you are in as part of the journey! This thought may be hard to believe at times, especially when things are hard in our lives. However, God promises us that he will use everything for His glory if we let Him. If we are believers God tells us in:
Romans 8:28, "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." So as a believer we can trust God and know that part of growing into the children of God that He created us to be, means the journey we are on is a process. A process that takes time. A process that has to take place for us to get to the destination God has for us. Many times when we don't see the bad things going on in our lives as anything God is a part of, He shows us later how He was with us through the whole thing. God teaches us on our journey towards Him to follow His example, and by choosing to do so we allow ourselves and the others in our lives the opportunity to do the same. It is the sin we have all been born into that makes bad things happen in our lives. But it is the grace and mercy we show others with forgiveness and love that makes us stronger and shows God through us. It is this example of God in and through us that allows others to not only see God more clearly, but for God to use everything for good to bring hope and restoration. So the next time you doubt the path you are on, first make sure you are choosing God's path, and then trust the process. Because through this process is where we find sanctification! What does passion look like in a Godly marriage?
Passion... from most secular viewpoints is sex driven. It is what we see plastered up all around us through adds and marketing because it is taught that "sex sells". So when we step into a marriage as a Christian, we tend to bring this perspective into it, whether intentionally or unintentionally. So what does God teach us about the love that is shared between a husband and a wife? 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 teaches us that "love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things." So when we apply what love looks like from God's perspective we no longer will see our spouse as an object of desire or gratification. Instead we see them as an extension of ourselves, loving them as we would want to be loved. It is from this mindset that we begin to love passionately in a way that only can be experienced in a Godly marriage. It is here that I have seen as a counselor, God heal every part of individuals through the vary person God has brought into their lives, in ways that only could be done through a loving spouse that have their eyes on God. God also teaches us in 1 John 4:8 that "anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love." So beginning by asking the question if God has been in your passion, will help you to find the love that God gives us. It is here that we discover for ourselves the difference between love and lust, as we recognize whether or not if God is in our passion and desire. So how have you loved? Are you in a relationship filled with God's love or are you lusting after someone? No matter what the answer may be, just know that God loves you and wants you to experience His love! He wants you to focus on Him first in your relationship and believe His words in acknowledging what love is, to experience a passion that only God can give you for your spouse. I personally have experienced both love and lust, and have learned that love is worth fighting for, and I hope you find that to be true for yourself as well. Because everyone deserves to be loved! jenskavhaug.com |
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March 2023