The word of God tells us a lot about the wonders of God. In Micah 7:15 it says,
“As in the days when you came out of Egypt, I will show them my wonders.” God wants us to be encouraged and trust Him for this promise in our lives. To not forget everything God brought Israel through, and to be encouraged by their stories that God promises to show His wonders to us as well. I think about all of the wonderful things I have experienced in my life that I can only credit to God! Things that only He knew I needed or wanted that were given to me in His perfect timing. When I have experienced His supernatural presence and heard His still small voice. All of the same experiences Israel experienced with God over 2000 years ago with the same God we experience them with today! What are you in need of? What things does God want you to remember about your journey with Him? Remembering those things, and learning to rest in Him are EXACTLY what God wants for us all. For it is through remembering His wonder, that we not only receive His peace and strength, but we get to know God better! I encourage you to sit and meditate on this today!
God's provision comes in different ways. One of the reason's I love living in Alaska is watching God provide for His people through His creation. Some may need firewood to stock up to keep warm for winter, while others may need to fill their freezers with food to eat. And still others such as myself, may not see God's provision for our life in a different way, just like God's provision for others around the world looks different as well.
The one thing that remains the same, no matter what we need, is that God provides for us. When we ask God and trust Him to provide, He never fails to provide for us. This is something I am reminded of as life changes present themselves that I was not expecting. When I want to follow God's voice and leading, but am fearful or overwhelmed. It is times like these I am reminded of God's provision in the past, and encouraged to step out in faith once again, believing and trusting God will provide along the way. It is through God's provision God also reminds me He will never leave me. Reminding me I can do whatever He calls me to, because God is with me! It is this knowledge and belief I remember every time life presents something that feels too big for me to handle. It is then I am reminded I am not alone, and right where I need to be, in God's presence! What do you fear or feel overwhelmed with? Remember all God has done to provide for you in the past to help remind you as well that He is in your presence now, to give to the strength to trust Him to move forward! |
Is this you?.Do you want to know God more? Do you want someone to help you do so? Do you want someone to walk alongside you who has been in your shoes? Do you feel alone? Do you want to experience the healthier and happier you? Archives
March 2023